You just can't break the "Laws of Nature". Unless, of course, you've been exposed to some Terrigen that is now activating your dormant alien blood and given you new powers that you just can't control right now. Ok, I guess sometimes you can. But if you do, SHIELD will try to track you down and bring you in for safety. Just watch out for the newly founded ATCU. They might not be as accommodating. And neither will the spiky-headed Lash, who really just wants to put a hole through your chest. Plus, we get to find out how the rest of our SHIELD friends were spending their Summer break. And, this week we are joined by special guest, Agent Secki to talk about this brand new episode. Jay and Josh responsibly take their fish oil pills as they settle in to discuss Season 3 of Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. Download now, to decrypt the data-stream directly to your MP3 player!
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