Karley graduated with a Bachelor’s of Science in Therapeutic Recreation at Grand Valley State University in 2017. She has previous work experience in a physical inpatient sub-acute rehabilitation center for older adults. She loves having the opportunity to positively impact the lives of individuals through their personal leisure and recreation pursuits, goals, and new interests. Thus helping pave the way to the ability and independence to enjoy their hobbies and interests is such an amazing journey. Returning happiness and enjoyment, feelings of empowerment and success, impacting the individual, friends and families. Karley is a Certified Therapeutic Recreation Specialist (CTRS), Certified Dementia Practitioner (CDP), Certified Clinical Love Your Brain Yoga Instructor, and is in the process of becoming a Certified Brain Injury Specialist (CBIS). She is the Co-Chair of the American Therapeutic Recreation Association’s (ATRA’s) Physical Rehabilitation and Medical Section. She had the opportunity to work as a part of a research team and has published work.
Origami Brain Injury Rehabilitation Center is a non-profit organization located in Lansing, Michigan. Origami provides comprehensive rehabilitation care for survivors of brain injuries and their families. Through their compassionate and innovative service, Origami creates opportunities and transforms lives.
Episode sponsored by: Midwest Functional Neurology Center
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