Questions for Reflection:
1. Do you remember a time when you ever had to repent of something? What was that like for you? What was the result?
2. Why do you think repentance has such a bad rap in our society? Why is it so hard for us to do?
3. Read Zechariah 1:2-6 in a couple different translations. Then have a couple people try to retell the passage in their own words. Help them out if someone is reading along.
4. What does this passage tell us about God? What does it tell us about humanity?
5. Turn to Zechariah 8:11-17. What kind of things does God promise to the exiles if they turn from their wicked ways and return to him?
6. If God has our best interests at heart, why do we find it hard to trust him and follow him? What kind of life do you think God has in store for you if you decide to follow him with your whole heart?
7. What is one thing you may need to repent of and stop doing this Christmas season? What is stopping you from doing that?
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