Listener feedbacks from Mastodon, including commentary about the Julian
calendar, Flatpak sandboxing problems, Flatpak usability problems,
clarification on Bzip2 and LZMA and ZIP compression.
The overview of util-linux continues with **mkswap**, which designates a
partition of a special hard drive or a special file as "swap" space. _NEVER
run **mkswap** on a partition or file that contains data you care about._
$ sudo mkswap /dev/sdx1
The **pivot_root** command mounts a new location as your root whilst
simultaneously unmounting the old one. You probably won't ever use
**pivot_root** manually yourself. Its typical use case is during system
startup, when an initrd is used to bootstrap an environment but then needs to
be shunted away when the real root partition becomes available.
You can test **pivot_root** in a virtual machine, just as a proof of concept,
as described in this episode, but if you have ever used **chroot**, then you
The **raw** command talks directly to block devices, useful for fancy
databases or other high-performance things that don't need a filesystem
because they use their own optimized system for managing data. On some systems
(like Slackware), you may need to do **modprobe raw** before using **raw**.
NEVER run raw against a block device with data (that you care about) on it.
Here is a really simple proof of concept demo exercise:
# raw /dev/raw/raw1 /dev/sdx
# echo "gnu world order" > /dev/sdx
# dd if=/dev/raw/raw1 count=1
gnu world order
The **setserial** command sets and reports serial ports on a Linux system. On
Slackware, you can see the script that generates serial port definitions in
**/etc/rc.d/rc.serial**, with its associated config file being
**/etc/serial.conf** On a distro using systemd, there is a unit file that
creates serial ports. Serial ports are usually accessible to the group
**dialout**, so if you are having trouble talking to a device over a serial
port, be sure to add yourself to the **dialout** group, and then log out and
log back in. Permissions for devices that communicate over a serial port (like
an Arduino) can be managed manually (**chmod 660 /dev/ACM0**, for instance) or
you can script **udev** to set permissions upon connection.
Yes, there is a slight mixing error at the very start of the episode. Klaatu
is currently on holiday and does not have the source files on hand.
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