On today's episode Coach John Wolf and I talk about:
John Wolf (@coachjohnwolf) and Onnit :
- Life's about constantly shifting your focus towards what matters most at that time
- More than strength, but enduring strength. Your ability to endure and still call a strength in times of less than ideal circumstances
- Its largely about listening to your self. You can defer all the decision making. You can't do that selectively when you choose a coach. Make a choice and then you can defer. What's great about that is that you chose. You made an educated choice.
- Studies are going to say what they're designed to say most of the time.
- Take studies with an n=1, you. Create time and space to assess your training and you as a human being.
- Doesn't matter to what studies say, it matters how you respond to the practice
- If you're chasing what's cool you're missing the boat. It total human optimization - you're the human.
- Taking studies with a grain of salt and filtered through your own lens
- In the future, Onnit may have a program similar to a create your own program
- Onnit 6 is a more holistic approach to training. novel stimuli. If you do the same thing for 6 months you're not adapting. It doesn't mean you do everything different all the time for the sake of novelty, but we can find new ways to compliment the original goal.
- We are sometimes too focused on muscle. There are a variety of tissue that need to work harmoniously for our body to function well.
- The human experience is largely an emotional one and perception is reality.
- Trust through meaningful communication
- Psychology trumps physiology
- Daily rituals and starting with intention
- Smile everyday - everything is about perception. All about the attitude of gratitude. Be grateful for the opportunity to overcome the challenge. It's not going to change whether or not the reality is there, but it's going to change your experience in that reality. The sooner you can make a perception shift, the better.
- Let's fail forward and fail fast
- Forgiveness
- How can I apply what it is I am choosing to take in today?
- John's Gift: Big, Energetic, Actual HUGS
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