On today's episode, Dr. Stuart Marmorstein and I talk about:
https://head2foot.net or call 713-955-4009
Show notes:
- Background
- Unconventional chiropractic work
- Applied kinesiology- muscle testing to see what's going on in someone's body
- Body-mind system
- A persons mindset can be altered with right words
- Transpersonal psychology
- Our bodies are made be self regulating and self healing, we just need to get the blocks out of the way
- blocks can be thoughts, food, pathogens, chemicals, etc.
- 22 bones in the skull move throughout life
- Cubicle-life
- Competition and pressure stressors can cause muscle tension and many chemical changes in a person
- Brain is connected to the body through nerves. All the branches of those nerve roots go throughout the body.
- Influential factors that led Dr. Marmorstein to learn the methods he teaches today.
- Innate intelligence, not just intuition. The ability of the body to find its own internal balance and regulate itself throughout life.
- Beliefs to adopt: we deserve to enjoy our lives ,treat each other well, better to be more aware in here and now than absorbed in multi-tasking and not paying attention in anything.
- Find something you're passionate about, something that makes a difference. The more you teach the more your learn. Connect with other people.
- It's good to find someone who can listen to you and someone you can listen to, so we don’t become isolated.
- Go far a walk a day
- Clarity center for a peer counseling network
- Dr. Marmorstein's gift to share his technique to other professionals to help their clients - Neuro non-forceful methods
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