MEP EP#173: Sidecreeping Gyrations
Will be Arduino compatible
Break out the majority of the I/O
ST7789 LCD
1.3” 240x240 resolution
USB Type-C
EEPROM AND!XOR for SAO reference designs
Designed some arduino shields boards for the “smart LEDs” for testing
PinoTaur update
Software for the ATSAMD21G18 going well
Lots of SPI and DMA going on to control the shift registers
Macro Amp Differences
Surface mount tech with high voltage
Wilkinson Audio Fredman Clip
Test recording
Gyrator - Simulated Inductor
Glass Enterprise Edition 2: faster and more helpful
Industrial Augmented Reality
Safety Glasses Styled
Kit converts Raspberry Pi into Alexa-type home automation system
They can be understood by anyone, says the Geek Shop, regardless of education or training.
Direct link
A One-Page Guide to Fixing Radiated Emissions
FCC/CE testing for PCBs.
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Nash Reilly
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