We have been decieved by many doctrines of demons. We have been taught the philosophies of men applied to Biblical texts, and they are dead wrong, leading many to eternal torment. One of these false doctrines and theologies is Calvanism. Denominations like the Baptist Church and other off-shoots teach a system that allows people to believe that God has pre-selected them to be saved, to become the elect ones while predetermining others to hell fire. They believe that God has a Foreknowledge of their salvation. But, this is not truth at all. We will demonstrate that the ancient Jews did not believe such nonsense. We will show you how 4th Ezra destroys Calvinism to its core. We will lay out the meanings behind the Apostles Paul and Peter's writting along with the words of Christ regarding the truth behind salvation and God's special foreknowledge. It is beautiful to see Messiah. It is beautiful to see the redemptive plan of God for His creation. It is all about God and His Son, and never about our reighteousness.
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