M 18 Three LinkedIn Feed Commenting Etiquette
When commenting on other people’s Linkedin threads, should you drop a link to your own stuff or even someone else’s? Proper use of hashtags as well as tagging other people – what are the do’s and don’ts.
A doctor's perspective is many. So again from the Shanghai
airport. This time we're talking about LinkedIn formed Episode 206.
Before we jump in, go back to my Facebook page if you could,
or LinkedIn got two new logos a variety of styles one of them has one of them
is a doctor and the perspective is written backward in like a little rectangle
box. And some people are liking that one seems like the doctors are kind of
liking that one. And then another one has a doctor's perspective. And then the
perspective goes from a small piece to a big he had an angle and is based on
the way they do the 3d shading. So it looks like a perspective coming at you.
And then the doctor comes up at an angle. And we've had people like those
doctors as well, but not doctors liking that one. Although I did hear, maybe
make the doctor more straight and the same size not angling up. So here's what
your thoughts are not unheard of making a decision.
Alright, so this
episode is about kind of like LinkedIn etiquette. For instance. Now you can do
GIFs you know, memes on LinkedIn, the animated ones. Pretty much you need to
know your audience, the person that you're sending it to. Do you think that
appreciate it, go for it? If you think that they're a little like, Nah, that's
not cool. They go Facebook Escobedo LinkedIn, then just be aware of that and
make the appropriate decision. Another one that he had a big conversation about
was competitors.
Do you have a competitor that's got a really good thread
going, you know, they're going back and forth with different people. Yeah, man,
I got something to contribute. Okay. contribute. All right. Don't be salesy.
But contribute.
The question becomes should you drop a link? His opinion if
you're dropping a link to your stuff, yourself page, that can be a problem. The
other thing is maybe just dropping an informative link? Well, again,
potentially, your D railing that conversation people like, Oh, that's a link. They
go to it, they forget about the conversation. And they just ignore the guys
link all together that recently posted it. So you're kind of taken away this
traffic. Now you might say to yourself, Well, no, it's contributing. It's it's
valuable. True, it could be. But if it happened to you, you might be upset,
like, Dude, this guy came in, and it's just jacking my people. The crap. Not
cool, man. So think about that.
He's not saying do it or don't he's just that's his opinion,
about adding someone or hashtag. So adding, you know, if I got at least a
podcast episode, I was put at that person's name, so that they know when their
followers know. And all they have to do is they don't want to remove it. A lot
of people just add you they don't know. They just like, Oh, this dude has a lot
of followers. This girl has a lot of followers. This dude, this gal has a lot
of followers. Let me just add them. It's kind of relevant to what they do. If
they don't say anything great. If they remove themselves, well, he's that tribe. Alright, that's a bad idea. It's rude. It's
not cool. That's what he says. But it adds value
. If this person is a contributor, go for it. But respect
that person's threat. Again, don't derail it. Also, in a hashtag, I say there's
not much going on except it allows more people to bring more people to the
conversation and that's not what you're looking for. So you would hashtag you
didn't have I don't think I don't think I caught anything negative about it
just can keep it relevant and bringing more attention to his or her post, which
is the whole point. Just good.
Oh, Asian Cajun
update. She can now suck a sippy cup. We've been working on that this week.
Especially when we're out in the sun, land and the flowers.
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