In Memoriam (July 21, 2019)
Years ago when the losses of US soldiers reached over 1000, a member of the church I served set up a meeting to say how horrified and saddened she was that we ceased to notice the losses -- all happening in our names. So, we witnessed to it one week soon after, and then in one ritual for every week that followed until the war was officially declared over. We vowed not to forget what was being done, lost, harmed, sacrificed each week "in our name."
This week, under different circumstances, we are calling ourselves to do the same. Come join us for a service, hard but honest, witnessing to in our hour together of worship (a word whose root means "meaning making") and through collective public witness outside on our steps after service, to what is happening in our world, in our name -- To loss, cruelty, death, starvation, human-beings'-inhumanity-to-one-another. This week's response may also be part of evolving rituals and actions that will not let us go, that cannot let us go, until the end to another kind of war is declared. And to that end, we gather.
Rev. Vanessa Rush Southern, Senior Minister
Sharon Weld, Worship Associate
Reiko Oda Lane, organ
Asher Davison, bass-baritone
My-Hoa Steger, piano
Shannon Warto, song leader
Mark Sumner, song leader
Carrie Steere-Salazar, Welcome
Shulle Ong, video camera
Jonathan Silk, OOS, Sound, Podcasting
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