This podcast includes an experience of listening to light codes embedded within sound.
Jeilene Tracy is a Vibrational Geneticist, who works with tones and light language to make shifts at the cellular, epigenetic, and DNA level. Working with multidimensional beings, she harmonizes and adjusts the physical DNA to its crystalline DNA counterpart in order to shift the physical, mental, and emotional body into a state of coherence and health.
Jeilene works with ascended masters, Arcturians, and a Mantis collective. She serves as an ambassador to a benevolent group of Mantis beings who are here to teach humanity how to heal themselves and assist with Gaia’s ascension. The Mantis utilize a heart based vibrational field to repair and optimize DNA to bring humanity into alignment with earth’s frequency. As human beings release density, energetic imprints, and heal past traumas, they accelerate the ascension of both humanity and Gaia.
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