Introduction to Galatians
Galatians 1:1-5
1. Who is the Author? The Apostle Paul (v.1)
Apostles were authorized representatives of Jesus Christ (a non-repeatable office).
All Christians are "apostles" in the meaning of being sent by Jesus to proclaim the Gospel.
2. Who was the Audience? The Churches of Galatia (v.2)
Find Paul's first missionary journey in Acts 13 & 14.
3. What is the Aim? To stand firm in grace (v.3-5)
Ultimate freedom from sin's power power and penalty is found only in Christ Jesus through being justified in faith.
A. Exhort the Churches
B. Exalt the Lord Jesus Christ
C. Expel Error
D. Explain the Gospel of Grace (Again)
- The Gospel is not what what we can do.
- The Gospel is what God has done.
E. Extol God the Father
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