In this podcast, Dr Lisa Lamb and I discuss the benefits of finding your voice, why posture matters as you speak, and how to develop a healthy self awareness to improve communication. Dr Lamb describes how women's voices get stronger with age, and how this impacts confidence and boldness. She gives us practical tools to grow in healthy communication and nurture healthy relationships. Tune in to this episode to learn ways to become more confident in your communication, and how this may be impacting your health.
Dr Lisa Lamb has her PhD in Practical Theology with a Homiletics Emphasis. She is the Visiting Professor of Preaching at Fuller Seminary and an ordained minister with the Presbyterian Church. She worked for many years as an InterVaristy Staff Member at UC Santa Cruz and Harvard University. She has a passion to equip and empower emerging leaders, particularly women, to clearly articulate their passions with boldness and joy. She helps people strengthen their public voices -- their confidence, freedom and enjoyment of speaking before others.
Links mentioned in Podcast:
Lisa’s bio:
YouTube: Bringing your full voice to life by Barbara McAfee
Ted Talk: Your body language may shape who you are by Amy Cuddy
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