"Imagination enables us to find potentiality and to picture a new vision.”
How might imagination change the way you approach environmental justice and all of its intersections?
There is no scarcity. There is no shortage. No lack of love, of compassion, of joy in the world. There is enough. There is more than enough.
Only fear and greed make us think otherwise.
No one need starve. There is enough land and enough food. No one need die of thirst. There is enough water. No one need live without mercy. There is no end to grace. We are all instruments of grace. The more we give it, the more we share it, the more we use it, the more God makes. There is no scarcity of love. There is plenty. And always more.
-Remnants: A Memoir of Spirit, Activism, and Mothering by Rosemarie Freeney Harding & Rachel Elizabeth Harding
This episode was written and recorded by Dr. Elyse Ambrose. It was produced by Rev. Jim Keat. Background tracks include Trundle by Podington Bear, Lemuel by Blue Dot Sessions, and The Whole World Loves Me by Minden
Visit www.trcnyc.org/BeStillAndGo to listen to more episodes from all four seasons of Be Still and Go.
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