In this episode of the 5 Leadership Questions podcast, Todd Adkins is joined by Mark Sayers, author of Facing Leviathan, Disappearing Church, and Reappearing Church. During their conversation, they discuss why it's important to be effective and not just look good and cultural Christianity.
"Things may look wonderful, but are they actually wonderful under the hood?""So often you hear these feedback loops where people say you are doing great and that clouds whether you are actually being effective.""The world needs more effective information that's born out of context.""Relevance was this language that emerged from the field of missions.""Disciples have to learn that the Christian life is never going to make you cool.""In creating a model for consumer Christianity, we created models which tolerated a low level of faith.""The people who led renewals always challenged their followers to actually do great things.""As a leader, I need to be connected where I am.""I think revival and renewal begins in the home."
LifeWay Leadership Podcast Network
Facing Leviathan by Mark Sayers
Disappearing Church by Mark Sayers
Reappearing Church by Mark Sayers
The Effective Executive by Peter Drucker
The Way of Blessing by Roy Goodwin
A Failure of Nerve by Edwin Friedman
This Episode's Sponsor: You’ve probably heard about the movie OVERCOMER. But you may not know there are a few books and Bible studies inspired by the film. One is called Defined by Alex Kendrick and Stephen Kendrick, which is a book and Bible study based on insights from the Book of Ephesians. You can find these books and Bible studies at
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