Honesty and Legacy (October 13, 2019)
This Monday will be Columbus Day or, as we better know it now, Indigenous People's Day. That change is a call, part of a movement to tell a whole history, a full and honest history of our nation. It is a call to talk about, not just the ideals, or the retold stories of lore, but of the moments that are not heroic but that are also stamped indelibly on our history and legacy.
It is a question many of us face in our own families-of-origin, to tell truths, not just cleaned-up ones. Why do that? And what happens (or can) when we do?
Rev. Vanessa Rush Southern, Senior Minister
Rev. Alyson Jacks, Associate Minister
Richard Davis-Lowell, Worship Associate
Reiko Oda Lane, organ
Dr. Mark Sumner, Music Director
Liz Patterson, solo
Judy Payne, Board Secretary
Don Shearer, video camera
Jonathan Silk, OOS, Sound, Podcasting, Video Edits
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