SFGT | ᒪIᒪY ᗰᗩᗪᗯᕼIᑭ - I'm having a Picnic!
Previous Episode: https://soundcloud.com/stories-fables-ghostly-tales/episode-407-sfgt-iy-i-im-having-a-picnic
Source: https://www.reddit.com/r/Lillian_Madwhip/comments/atlcg9/my_name_is_lily_madwhip_and_i_have_become/
Author Links: https://www.reddit.com/r/Lillian_Madwhip…ip_and_all_posts/
Topic: #Nosleep #Creepy #Storytelling #Fiction #LilyMadwhip
Today is a continuation my friends of the Lily Madwhip series, today our Lily meets someone new, discovers something special from a deceased supernatural, and well…I’m not going to ruin it for you. Let’s just say, our Lily is suiting up for a big task. Turn the lights off you brilliant people, pour yourself a tea, or any other hot beverage, and listen to the tale, of Lilian Madwhip.
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Fantastic Music Links and Credit - Public Domain:
CO.AG - https://goo.gl/hQZW8Z
Myuuji - https://www.youtube.com/user/myuuji
NCM: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCHEioEoqyFPsOiW8CepDaYg
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