Tom Conwell, has been a Metrologist and Electronic Technician with the US Navy and Honeywell, Inc. for 42 years, a Honeywell Temperature Control, Fire Alarm and Security Software Specialist, Biomedical Engineer, is Fire Alarm Level II Certified, a Metrologist and HVAC Engineering resource. Tom has a wide-ranging expertise with a keen awareness of physics, computer and internet software and a broad knowledge of electronics and how it intersects with the paranormal world and UFO’s. Over the past three years, Tom has written four books and created a sighting map of the US. They are based on aspects of UFOlogy, he has studied and researched UFO sighting reports from the entire US, and created a national sighting map which has revealed anomalies throughout the US..Tom has also been on numerous radio programs across the US, has published four books, on Amazon, he assembled his blogs into a story of how UFOs can find their way here from light years away .. He is also planning multiple speaking events for the general public, and maintaining a Facebook presence with frequent postings on extraterrestrial life and UFO sightings. Theresa J Morris and Janet K Leissin are authors and Radio Show Hosts. For both ACO Association and UFO Association. American Communications Online is the company archivinig
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