Dr. Stuart M. McGill is a professor emeritus, University of Waterloo, where he was a professor for 30 years. His laboratory and experimental research clinic investigated issues related to the causal mechanisms of back pain, how to rehabilitate back-pained people and enhance both injury resilience and performance. His advice is often sought by governments, corporations, legal experts, medical groups and elite athletes and teams from around the world. His work produced over 240 peer-reviewed scientific journal papers, several textbooks, and many international awards. He mentored over 37 graduate students during this scientific journey. During this time he taught thousands of clinicians and practitioners in professional development and continuing education courses around the world. He continues as the Chief Scientific Officer for Backfitpro Inc.
“The only reason people have non-specific back pain only shows the person hasn’t had a thorough assessment”
“There is a tipping point for exposure to load for the spine that is mitigated by rest”
“Every single exercise I either love or hate – it depends on the individual and when they are doing that exercise”
“Any assessment is a living process and it needs a context and an individual”
“Know the demand, assess the capability and train the difference”
“Size matters – the stresses in a tube are a function of radial diameter”
“Weight belts reduce end range stress to the spine”
1) Dr. McGill's journey
2) Load, micro-fracturing and denser end-plates of the spine
3) Understanding the forces placed on the spine including compression, shear and torsion
4) The assessment process for back pain
5) After assessment, what does Dr. McGill do with the athlete?
6) The difference between flexion movements and moments
7) De-sensitisation of pain - Hardware v software?
8) Weight belts or weight supports during pain de-sensitisation
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