Who Will Walk Away TRG's Game of the Year?
As 2019 draws to a close, it's time for us to give out a variety of awards to some of the year's best in gaming! From the Itchy Sweater to the coveted Golden Deer, we've got plenty of awards to give out this year!
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What Have You Been Playing
Adam has been in a state of chronic triggering playing Chrono Trigger. Both of the hosts have been playing Respawn's new Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order. Despite it's flaws, it's quite the stand-out game of 2019, as the guys go back and forth discussing their favorite parts of the game.
What Have You Been Reading
Adam finishes out The Gospel Primer as Logan continues going through the Power of Prayer by Spurgeon.
The awards given out this year include: Broken Controller, Itchy Sweater, The Comeback, Best Book, Best Editor, The Golden Deer, and more.
Peanut Butter Falcon
"Behold the Lamb of God" by Andrew Peterson