We'll begin with our friend, Skylar Covich, the new Chair of the American Solidarity Party's National Committee. Picking up from last week, Skylar will outline his thinking on where the party is and where it's going.
Next we'll chat with our second guest. Ron Austin has long shared many of the interests and commitments that make for solidarity. He's been an actor and a producer, an activist and social worker. He's a respected author and a Fellow of the Dominican School of Philosophy and Theology. Recently, Ron has been exploring in the journal First Things the travails of popular culture, the generation gaps, and what's it's like to be...the last living member of the Hollywood Blacklist. His heroes include Rene Girard and Romano Guardini.
We haven't, of course, forgotten the United Nations Declaration on Human Rights. We'll return to our analysis of what it says and how we respond to it on July 27.
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