2020 dawns a first for our podcast. This episode is dedicated entirely to a listener question. We've had questions before; however, this episode the team tackles two questions from longtime listener Trent Adams. The context of his questions surround the concepts of IT having the ability to provide new functionality to the business and the business appearing to be uninterested in moving forward. While we don't know the entire situation, we discuss the best way to identify pain points and ways to introduce new technology without imposing new rules/processes on the business.
We would very much like to have more listener inspired episodes this year. If you have something you want to share with us, head over to sqldatapartners.com/podcast and submit your question and we'll try to help you on the SQL Trail!
The show notes for today's episode can be found at http://sqldatapartners.com/2020/01/01/episode-186-analytics-security-find-pain-points-make-a-plan. Have fun on the SQL Trail!