The ending of the **a2ps** package, including **psdiff**, **psbook**,
**psmandup**, **psresize**, **psselect**, and **texi2dvi4a2ps**. The greatest
mystery is the **showchar** command, which appears to do nothing.
Upon further investigation (after recording), it seems that **a2ps** as
distributed by Slackware also contains a collection of scripts called
**psutils**, which provides **fix***, **ps***, **eps***, ***res**, and
**showchar** scripts.
The psutils collection is not yet in Slackware-current, so it is possible that
it has been dropped from distribution. In the latest psutils sources,
**showchar** appears to have been removed.
shasum -a256=a419e04fdb5cd7dc50bec11736fc321587f9c043f7137e17cccc2c53578bcd6a
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