Here are the action steps you can take to train your willpower
Is it possible to train willpower? The answer is yes if you know the core issues waning your willpower. And that’s what Dave Asprey breaks down for you in this episode. You’ll be learning the bulletproof way of training your willpower based on the “Fs” of Fear, Food, F**k, and additionally Fat, Feel and Figure.
We highly recommend you listen to the previous episode, "Dave Asprey on hacking the 3 “F” words of willpower (Part 1)” so you don’t miss out on the additional information he’s shared there.
"The most powerful thing might not be learning how to turn off the fear but learning how to feel when you go into it.” — Dave Asprey
Highlights from the episode:
The effects of the fight or flight mode and what you can do about it
Recognizing the different rhythms between a fear-based heartbeat versus a calm heartbeat
How to incorporate Heart Rate Variability Training into your everyday life
Dave shares a breathing exercise to help you move from sympathetic to a parasympathetic nervous system
The tools Dave uses to turn the dial down on fear (links in resources below)
An exercise Dave does with his kids before they sleep to help them train their resilience towards wins and failures
What happens when you don’t get enough sleep and what to do about it for your body
How neurofeedback training can help you to turn off the mental chatter that feeds your fears
The 3 letter “F” word that helps Dave to maintain a stable delivery of energy to his head
The active changes in your body when you stop eating food which causes inflammation and cravings
How Dave experimented with the Taoist equation to immortality by basing it on Napoleon Hill’s book, "Think and Grow Rich."
People mentioned in the episode:
Emily (Fletcher)
HeartMath Institute
40 Years of Zen
Vishen Lakhiani
Dr. Mark Hyman
Harvey Kellogg
Napoleon Hill
Resources mentioned in the episode:
Heart Rate Variability training
Heart-opening Buddhist meditation
Burning Man
Bulletproof Stress Detective
Inner Balance Trainer by the HeartMath Institute
Neuro-feedback training
Eat Fat, Get Thin by Dr. Mark Hyman
The Bulletproof Diet by Dave Asprey
Bulletproof Coffee
Bulletproof Intermittent Fasting
Think and Grow Rich by Napoleon Hill
Orgasm vs. Performance by Dave Asprey in the Quantified Self Conference
We’d recommend you listen to Dave’s previous episode:
Dave Asprey on hacking the 3 “F” words of willpower (Part 1)
For more materials, we’d recommend the following articles:
The Surprising Thing I Learned From Studying My Brain With Meditation Technology For 7 Days
4 Ways To Turn Sleep Into Your Superpower
Vishen Lakhiani On How To Be Unf*ckwithable
Here’s a powerful quote by Dave for you to leave with,
"It’s not important that you look a certain way, it’s important that you feel a certain way."
— Dave Asprey
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The Mindvalley Podcast aims to bring to you the greatest teachers and thought leaders on the planet to discuss the world's most powerful ideas in personal growth for mind, body, spirit, and work.
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