Reiki is an energy healing modality that originates in Japan. The word Reiki means universal life energy. Everything is energy, therefore Reiki can provide physical, mental, emotional and/or spiritual benefits. Reiki has become popular in recent years, as more people are opening to alternative healing methods. In fact, Tim & Tianna first met when he attended her Reiki Share.
Some of the things we cover in this episode:
* What was Tim’s first experience of Reiki like?
* Tianna describes her Reiki journey, from her initial experience up until becoming a Reiki Master Teacher.
* What are some ways that people experience this energy?
* What is taught in each level: Reiki 1, Reiki 2 and Reiki Master Teacher?
* How did the attuenements affect Tim? What changed in his life after taking the Reiki classes?
* What is the difference between an attunement and a Reiki session?
* How working with energy awakens your inner senses, allowing you to perceive higher realms and the interconnectedness of all things.
* How our different energy bodies (spiritual, mental, emotional and physical) are connected and affect each other.
* The power of Reiki to work at the source level of an issue to create deep, lasting transformation.
* Reiki helps us to grow with joy instead of struggle.
* How Reiki raises our vibration, allowing us to let go of unhealthy habits or relationships and begin to attract a more positive life experience.
Tianna Roser is a certified Usui Reiki Master Teacher who trained under 3 different Reiki Masters. She teaches Reiki classes, provides in-person Reiki sessions and offers a free monthly Reiki Share at her Austin, Texas office. Tianna also offers distance Reiki sessions. To learn more about Reiki and Tianna’s services, visit
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