Follow Up
Daedalus vs Annie JD
8 other robots may or may not have been involved
Cosmin's view on the fight
Why Daedalus stopped for a few seconds
Damage done to Annie
Post-fight and judges' interview
Damage done to Bourbon
Competition regulations with judging criteria (from 2013)
Is this what is being used?
Is a new version available?
Buggle Bonus content continues
Hello There! vs Jay
The weapon doing what its supposed to
The drive not doing what its supposed to
Phil vs the venue
L'boro Robot Riot
Bugglebots 2019 - The Grand Final
An XL episode
New music
Thunderchild vs Saw Loser
Aw jeez
Pinning - good or bad?
Good control, bad aggression
Ramming: good control and aggression
Sam's judging catch 22
Communication of the rules, systems, and expectations
Drivers' briefings?
Pre-event info packs?
The Bugglebots pack was focussed on logistical info and tournament format, and very thorough
Contentious decisions suck for all parties, and we want to see steps taken to minimise them as much as possible
Splodeyboi vs K2
Splodeyboi's wheelectomy
Enjoying the freedom to discuss K2's dominance
- The other Wajoo fight
An older (not necessarily first) version of K2
Daedalus vs Mini Spinny mk 2
Arguing about whether Mini Spinny's driving is excellent or upsetting
Meta note: Ryan had recording issues and samples were dropped in some areas, fortunately we saw the issue coming and took a backup recording which has been used to patch things up.
Smoll batteries
Sam's high-quality robot improving service
Thunderchild vs Splodeyboi vs Mini Spinny mk 2
Saw Loser vs K2
An enticing matchup which lived up to expectations
K2's weapon as an aid to control
Pit wheel eating
That Wajoo/Suijin fight
Thunderchild vs Daedalus
Cosmin's revised Thunderchild strategy
A random draw
Either way there was a potential rematch, just not a rematch from the heat
Daedalus vs Saw Loser
The pure beauty of Saw Loser's internals
Saw Loser on GitLab
Super secret audience view video
For maximum enjoyment, watch Joe and Shane's reactions to the first hit
How to kill Daedalus' weapon
Da Grand Final
Staying away from the pit in a fight against Thunderchild
A (comparatively) easy decision?
The perils of being an international competitor
Post-event comedowns
The ridiculous amount of effort which goes into Bugglebots
The near-future for Spinnerproof
Exiting podcast mode
Entering roboteer mode
Building for UWE
There will be photos. Probably.
Bugglebots specials will be covered, eventually
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