Create a funnel
How to get topics?
follow others in you niche
set up google alerts for topics in your niche
Rethinking Why We Send Email in the First Place
How to Get Your Emails in the “A” Pile
Create a coverstaion
Repeat who you are and what you do
Put the offer in the signature
write to people no to a list
"from" should be your name
be trust worthy
present your self as how they want to see you... be on their side
keep it short
if it's long send them to an outside page or video where you can give them a bigger offer
consider doing "serial shorts" if the topic is long
create a unique voice
be careful with "templates"
don't be spammy
use curiosity
use emojis
The Most Important Email Marketing Metric: Replies
Who should you be targeting with your emails?
How do you write emails that lead to conversations?
What should your emails look like? (plain text vs. HTML)
How do you write subject lines that cut through the noise?
When are the best days and times for emailing leads?
How do you build nurturing campaigns that aren’t annoying?
How do you manage email replies?
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