"The Year of..." (February 2, 2020)
Our congregations draw from the wisdom and experience and the traditions of their families and communities-of-origin, the practices they carry forward, and how they weave these into lives that feel grounded and guided.
This Sunday as we are in the season of Lunar New Year, we'll take a moment -- in no way is this service a celebration of Lunar New Year as any one who grew up with it would recognize -- and we'll take a moment to honor some of the threads that weave through this season of celebration and beginning.
Rev. Vanessa Rush Southern, Senior Minister
Daniel Jackoway, Worship Associate
Lori Lai, Board Treasure
Kat Liu, Worship Associate
Andrés Vera, cello
My Hoa Steger, piano
Mark Sumner, piano
Ben Rudiak-Gould, song leader
Reece Hart, Trustee
Don Shearer, Camera Operator
Jonathan Silk, OOS, Sound, Podcasting, Video Edits
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