Zenaida Lorenzo & GRIT!
Where would you be if nothing stopped you?
Really think about that question.
What separates high achievers from everyone else is their ability to keep on taking action regardless of progress or success.
Think about it how many talented people do you know who are unsuccessful. And we all know plenty of people who started off with ok talent but for some reason they became successful.
They kept taking action and now they are “talented”. One of the greatest gift of perseverance is how it changes your brain. People who persevere learn. And learning equal transformation. It is really the only thing that truly changes your life. Transform your business and your life now!
About the presenter:
Zenaida Lorenzo was a very successful network marketer who then went on to do secondary scholarly research on achievement.
For 6 years, she focus much of her research on achievement and what creates exceptional performance, basically what makes people successful. She is passionate about teaching her program UNSTOPPED.
The program EMPOWERS individual with the skills and knowledge on what psychologist find creates extraordinary success. All her techniques are back up by 30+ years of scientific validated research.
What you might expect on this call:
1. Zenaida blasting blocks with two “on fire” team members.
2. What’s GRIT? Why does it determine your success.
3. Do most Americans have GRIT?
4. Can you get GRIT if you don’t have it how?
5. Help your team members rock their businesses.
Her website: Unstopped.Life
Join us for the Monday Night Calls! Every week we have guests that are industry experts, successful entrepreneurs, and Corporate staff.
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