What do Quakers think and sex, sexuality and spirituality? How do we talk to young people about sex, consent and boundaries?
In this bumper episode we interview author Lucy-Anne Holmes about her sexual and spiritual experiences, and talk to David Brockway from the Good Lad Initiative and researcher and lecturer Elsie Whittington about relationships and sex education with young people.
- Don’t hold my head down by Lucy-Anne Holmes https://bookshop.quaker.org.uk/Dont-Hold-My-Head-Down_9781783526215
- The Good Lad Initiative https://www.goodladinitiative.com/
- Elsie Whittington https://www2.mmu.ac.uk/sociology/staff/profile/index.php?id=3799
- Quaker faith & practice (Chapters 22 and 16 in particular) https://qfp.quaker.org.uk/
- Woodbrooke https://www.woodbrooke.org.uk/
- Quakers and same-sex marriage https://www.quaker.org.uk/marriage-equality
- Quaker theology and same-sex marriage (PDF) https://www.quaker.org.uk/documents/we-are-but-witnesses-2009
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