Today on Feminine Roadmap, Gina’s guest Beverly Easler talks about her journey of freedom from depression. Beverly spent her life behind the keys of a piano, the piano was her life and her identity. For years she felt invisible and misunderstood, as if she didn’t belong anywhere which lead her down the foggy road of depression. Beginning at age 45 Beverly began journaling, recording her thoughts and struggles and seeking professional help to deal with her depression through therapy. Therapy became her turning point to freedom from depression, it was a slow, sometimes foggy path that gave her glimpses of the freedom she sought. She began to understand her self better, who she was and how she fit into the world, her faith and how that empowered her. As Beverly grew she realized the impact her choices, her lack of boundaries and the thoughts she was thinking were having on her internal world. She had an a-ha moment, her freedom from depression came when she realized who and whose she was, that she was a child of the King, nothing else could define her outside of that reality. If you find yourself struggling to understand who you are in this world or struggle with feelings of depression, Beverly’s story will give you the courage to step into your own power and know that you are enough as you are, you can be you without permission from other people. Grab a cuppa something wonderful and join in on this wonderful story of hope and healing, freedom from depression.
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