EnneaTalk Tuesday
This week’s EnneaTalk Tuesday is all about you! I answer your questions about the Enneagram and talk through what you have all been dying to know. From different types compatibility to how you can use the Enneagram to better others, this episode is all about using the Enneagram for self-mastery and exploration.
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Answering your Questions
The Enneagram is the most important tool you can have in your toolbox and can be used as a roadmap back to yourself. However, having the wrong information and type can be even worse than having no information at all. I discuss the different options for online Enneagram tests, which tests I trust the most, and offer some tips to ensure you have the right type (and are not mistyped).
I answer the question of how to deal with a family member, friend, or partner’s needs and how to recognize when they are under stress and needing validation. In order for the Enneagram to truly be useful with others, it is important to first do the work on yourself—self-mastery attracts like-minded healthy people and results.
Self-mastery first, bettering others, second
When exploring yourself and initially diving into the magic of the Enneagram, it can sometimes be hard to face some of your unhealthy stressors and habits—you may not even like the type you are. I discuss the importance of not using this as a weapon but to instead approach your weaknesses with compassion—to truly dig and discover where your coping mechanisms are rooted.
Typing session with me!
If you are interested in exploring the Enneagram deeper to truly master yourself and your core motivations, schedule a typing session with me. Information does not bring transformation—but knowing how to use it does.
Ready to schedule a typing session with me? https://th400.infusionsoft.app/app/manageCart/showManageOrder
“These tests are a great start, but don’t live or die by the results.” 2:11
“This only works as honest as you are with yourself. Look at your motivations, not your
behaviors.” 3:51
“I want you to know as a 9 that your opinion and your voice wants and needs to be heard.” 9:22
“The first time that you [9s] are really facing confrontation, it’s going to be really freaking uncomfortable.” 10:57
“When you’re answering the [Enneagram test] questions, answer like you would have when you were about 20.” 12:34
“I want you to know that all the types are beautiful in their own special, unique ways.” 16:09
“I want you to look at the things that you’re saying you don’t like about your type from the eyes of you as a child.” 16:26
“All those unhealthy parts of the 8 that I really didn’t like to look at, now I know when they show up, it’s a compass to let me know that something is not where it needs to be.” 17:39
“If you have a large network marketing team, it’s not ‘do as I say not as I do,’ you have to walk this talk of self-mastery yourself.” 18:38
“When you humbly take ownership of your imperfect self and let your kids see that in not a passive aggressive or angry way, things change.” 22:59
“The way to a harmonious house is to own your shit every day.” 23:32
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