"Gifts Great and Small" (March 15, 2020)
This is Pi(e) weekend. The ratio of the radius of our circle of caring and sharing to its circumference, geometrically, is forever roughly 3.14. So just what does this mean for our relatively small, church community in relation to the great surrounding spiritual and social needs of the city and world in which we live?
What part of the whole pie of services that UUSF attempts to provide goes to whom? What proportion of those efforts should each of us try to support with our gifts of time and treasure?
Rev. Dr. John Buehrens, Guest Preacher
Rev. Vanessa Rush Southern, Senior Minister
Richard Davis-Lowell, Worship Associate
Dr. Mark Sumner, Music Director
Reiko Oda Lane, organ and bell choir director
Joe Dellert, Canvass Co-Chair
Lori Lai, Board Treasurer
Shulee Ong, Camera
Jonathan Silk, OOS, Sound, Podcasting, Video Edits
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