03/20/20 - Out two-part series on Coronavirus continues with Part #2. Host Doug Stephan and Dr. Ken Kronhaus of Lake Cardiology (352-735-1400) Ken believes that we will have a much better handle on where the virus is going in the next couple weeks. Most recent reports indicate that 30% of those hospitalized are under 50. There will be some good things that will come from it, such as Tele-Medicine being accepted by insurance providers and Medicare. There's some other good news in the medical world. Exposure to medical radiation has been coming down, due largely to new Stress Echo Testing procedures. Doug asks why drug prices are so much higher here than the rest of the world. Dr. Ken says that we need more competition in the pharmaceutical industry and we need to be totally independent from foreign sources. A listener asks if Natural Human Growth Hormones are helpful and Dr. Ken replies that while in some cases they can be beneficial to children, they can be dangerous for adults. Consult your health care provider! Plus, lots more great tips and ideas for maintaining your Good Health.
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