Wrongful convictions and miscarriages of justice occur when a person is convicted of a crime that they did not commit. Typically, it’s not realised that the person is innocent until they’ve served a large portion of their sentence. According to Innocence Canada, there are several factors that lead to a wrongful conviction. The most common factor in wrongful convictions is eyewitness error, with the Innocence Project suggesting that 70% of wrongful convictions occur as a result of this. Eyewitness testimony can be unreliable due to stress, lighting, distance and poor memory recall. False confessions, errors in forensic science, discrimination, tunnel vision and professional misconduct are also contributing factors in a person being wrongfully convicted of a crime. Credit for this episode has to go to glynrazzell.org.uk because without it, I wouldn’t of been able to share this story with you in enough detail. Follow us on Twitter and Tumblr (@murderandmore), Instagram (@murderandmorepod) and Facebook (Murder and More Podcast/@mandmpod). Become a patron of Murder and More by heading over to www.patreon.com/murderandmore.
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