Ted speaks with Psychologist Ellen Jackson from Potential Psychology about stress and anxiety and how it can impact our decision making.
Our brains like predictability to make meaning in life, but often there’s a lot of uncertainty which can create stress in our lives. Stress and anxiety can manifest in so many forms, be it for health, financial or other reasons.
When uncertainty increases like what we're seeing with COVID-19 we can become more focused on ourselves and may shorten our time horizon in how we view things. In times of heightened stress people may search for control so they look to control whatever they can. A lot of the time this may not be rational and in our long term best interests, be it hoarding large amounts of toilet paper, or selling investments at the worst possible time.
In the discussion Ellen also outlines some tips and advice we can implement every day to help reduce stress in our lives.
You can find out more information on Ellen and Potential Psychology here;
Potential Psychology website
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