"Easter in Holy Week Times" (April 12, 2020)
This, you might say, is not exactly an Easter time. The events of Holy Week, as it is traditionally celebrated, feel so much more accurate a description of where most of us find ourselves around the globe. We live now, more than we often do, together in the shadow of loss, keeping company with human limitations, facing our mortality, and present to all the ways in which bad things happen to good and not-so-good people alike. You might say we are a Covid-19 global tribe weather Holy Week times. So where is the hope and joy of Easter Sunrise for us? Let's name it and sing of it together!
Rev. Vanessa Rush Southern, Senior Minister
Rev. Alyson Jacks, Associate Minister
Sharon Weld, Ministerial Intern
*Reiko Oda Lane, organ
*Tom Dambly, trumpet
*Handbell Choir
Dr. Mark Sumner, piano
Asher Davison, bass-baritone
Laurel Sprigg, soprano
Jon Silk, drums
Eric Shackelford, camera
**Joe Chapot, Social Media Support
**Alex Darr, Zoom Remote Host
Jonathan Silk, OOS, Sound, Podcasting, Video Edits
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