Matthew Dicks is an international best-selling author, expert storyteller, wedding DJ, minister, 6-time GrandSlam champion, and coolest of all, Lord of Sealand. Against unbelievable odds (such as being falsely accused of a crime he didn`t commit and almost dying twice), Matthew managed to overcome adversity over and over again and now lives his childhood dream of being a fantastic teacher and writer.
If you want to learn how to maximize your productivity, become a more interesting person, or be named Lord of Sealand, this show is for you!
Max Out Insights:
Just say YES! Often, the things we don`t think we`ll enjoy end up being our favorite things
A real story is not just a recollection of events from your life, but a moment of insight or transformation
Homework for life: At the end of every day, ask yourself: What is the most story-worthy thing that happened today?
Without journaling/a way to keep track of our lives, it`s easy to forget what we did last Tuesday, let alone months or years ago
Remembering the past to see how far you`ve come can make the weight of today much lighter – Reminds me of Dan Sullivan`s concept of Gap vs. Gain: By always focusing on what`s missing (the gap), we often make ourselves miserable. But focusing on how far we`ve already come (gain), we get to appreciate how much better things are now or how we might have grown until now
Instead of juggling several balls at once, place them on the ground while focusing on one. Once you`re done with it, take the next one
What would the 100 year old version of me want me to do?
Training yourself to avoid instant gratification goes a long way in living a truly fulfilled and productive life
Celebrating and honoring the little steps along the way makes the whole journey more enjoyable
Max Out Quotes:
„If someone forced me to go on stage right now and tell a story about something that happened today, even if the whole day was boring, what is the item I would pick?“
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