The holidays can be super challenging, no matter who you are. Often we invest so much of our time and moxie into the holidays that the celebration begins to feel more like obligation. Add fibromyalgia to that picture, and it's even more tiring and stressful, because we have limited energy to begin with. There is a way to make the holidays meaningful without all of the overwhelm. Follow the tips in this episode and see how your holiday season can a little richer, a little calmer, and a little less painful and exhausting.
Key Points
- With fibromyalgia, the biggest way that you can improve your holidays is to feel better.
- Is your family already over-stuffed? Here’s how you can honor the season and the spirit of giving without accumulating even more stuff.
- Think about setting new traditions or doing things a little differently. Stepping outside of our normal way of doing things can actually make it easier for us.
- Don't end up over-committed to things that are less important. Focus on what really matters to you, and make time for that first.
- Learn the warning signs that your body is going into a fibro flare, and give your loved ones concrete ways that they can help you.
Links & Resources
- is the digital companion to this audio magazine, where you can find full show notes, links to the studies referenced in this episode, submit your questions for Tami Stackelhouse, and schedule a free consultation with a Fibromyalgia Coach.
- Get a free copy of Tami’s book, Take Back Your Life: Find Hope and Freedom From Fibromyalgia Symptoms and Pain at