How do you lose weight when you have fibromyalgia? Before we can answer that question, we have to back up a step. Tami suggests that a lot of people start with the wrong question. They start with the question of, How do I lose weight? because that's what we care about. That's what we're worried about. But if we don't understand why we gained weight in the first place, then we might not be doing the right things to get the outcome that we want.
Key Points
- As fibromyalgia patients, our bodies are often stuck in “fight or flight” mode. The pain and fatigue we experience can make weight loss extra challenging.
- Many fibromyalgia patients also have thyroid and adrenal issues which dramatically affects our efforts to lose weight.
- The fundamentals of diet and exercise are only part of the equation.
- Cravings are not necessarily your fault. Cravings can be a very natural way that your body says, “Help! I am starving for nutrients!”
- Just two nights of bad sleep can affect the hormones that regulate your appetite.
- Studies show that "diets" do not work. Fortunately, there are plenty of things that can work to help you lose weight with fibromyalgia.
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Links & Resources
- is the digital companion to this audio magazine, where you can find full show notes, links to the studies referenced in this episode, submit your questions for Tami Stackelhouse, and schedule a free consultation with a Fibromyalgia Coach.
- Get a free copy of Tami’s book, Take Back Your Life: Find Hope and Freedom From Fibromyalgia Symptoms and Pain at
- The Fibro Food Formula by Dr Liptan
- The Mood Cure and The Diet Cure by Julia Ross
- Why Do We Get Fat? by Gary Taubes