We discuss:
Governance - Steal property, life, freedom in various forms
Split in perception - atheists
Evangelicals prosperity mentality, prosperity theology
History Repeats Itself
Systemic Racism
Pandemic affects people of color more than others
40 million unemployed, small businesses are gone forever
Covid-19 lockdown
George Floyd death and the world on fire
Birtherism - Obama born in Scotland?
When looting starts, shooting starts
The division in UFOlogy
What is “good” vs “evil”
What is “ascension.”
What does the RA material say about “ascension”
What do we want in a leader?
Analysis of the “7 deadly sins” vs “heavenly virtues”
Does more than one timeline coexist with one another?
How do “positive” or “negative” interdimensionals come into play in the human realm?
Physicists who confirm the multiverse
The split within Ufology regarding Trump
The split in the Christian world regarding Trump
What are the characteristics of a good leader?
Why does the character of a leader matter?
Is Donald Trump the “Disclosure” President?
What is “Deep State?”
Is Trump fighting against the “Deep State or is he just a part of it?”
We're all dissociated alters in a unified, conscious mind
Is Trump a cult leader?
Does Trump have knowledge of ETs?
What is the “Space Force” really for?
Is Donald Trump part of an “alliance” of ETs fighting an “evil cabal?”
What is “prosperity theology?”
Why do evangelicals support Trump?
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