"The Perfect Day" (June 28, 2020)
In the story of creation told in Hebrew Scriptures, after six days of work creating heaven and earth, God took a day off. And so there’s a long tradition in Judaism and Christianity and Islam this day of Sabbath so the actual day that’s marked as such as different in each tradition. It is a day of mandatory rest. A day in which we are supposed to pretend that everything is perfect as it is and well in the gorgeousness of life at our feet. To me this is a genius creation by man or God who or whatever you want to credit it to. And I want to talk again about why.
Rev. Vanessa Rush Southern, Senior Minister
Sharon Weld, Ministerial Intern
Reiko Oda Lane, organist
Allen Biggs, marimbist
Asher Davison, song leader
Mary Jane Mikuriya, Internship Committee
Marie Kazan-Komarek, Internship Committee
Luanne Schulte, Internship Committee
Eric Shackelford, camera
Joe Chapot, Social Media Chat Support
Alex Darr, Zoom Remote Host
Jonathan Silk, OOS, Sound, Podcasting, Video Edits
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