hour one:
"ruby, my dear" john coltrane w/thelonious monk
"waiting in the wings" the mendoza line
"bigger city" the mendoza line
"walking and falling" c.p.i.
"you will feel my pain" ksolira
"a gentle axe" pat ruthensmear
"the thundertaker" leevil
"turismo dental" chicos raros
"land's end" mayya
"livin' in a tree house" model home
"5000 years" round eye
"in your hands" the mendoza line
hour two:
"baby I know what you're thinking" the mendoza line
"long old time" scott h biram
"tennis racket rock guitars" the magnet hearts
"l'air d'un vaincu" hifiklub
"without women" nicholas merz
"before I hit the wall" the mendoza line
"it's a long line but it moves quickly" the mendoza ine
"wire, florets" dan clucas / jeb bishop / damon smith / matt crane
"good time music" peter laughner
"the dream chamber phase 2 - theta" david gerard
"cigarettes" paul jacobs
"fellow travelers" the mendoza line
hour three:
"the lethal temptress" the mendoza line
"planet disco" crane
"nightmare" kosmoshice
"you will see" louis cole
"way of the weak" the mendoza line
"triple bill of shame" the mendoza line
"this could be the last time" the opium trail
"not ready" ex-gold
"m.t." poor luther's bones
"nice + invigorating pandemic stroll" omfu
"damn good disguise" the mendoza line
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