Our panel continues with Roswell UFO "crash" Part II and Theresa J. Morris's interactions with aliens and her involvement with Roswell.
As you listen to this series of videos, we journey together and eventually come out the other side to a brighter future. But as things currently are, we will not live long enough to experience this brighter future unless we do something to change it, make it better for all of us. Aril the Grey alien that was captured at Roswell in July of 1947 teaches us lessons about our existence. Aril, who can travel through time and space, says we perish from a nuclear war that kills millions and sets off radiation sufficient to kill most life. But which variations on the theme of existence is correct? Can we choose which parts resonate with us, throw away the rest, and create that which serves us to the best, highest good?
I can't speak for everyone. I am an Experiencer and I've had contact with higher levels of intelligence, extraterrestrials, and interdimensional and they reveal to me that we always have choice We can set everything right on a path of kindness, love, empathy, and compassion. But we must be proactive in the process, always fine-tuning, adjusting, and course-correcting in the direction of love and universal consciousness. They remind me of how powerful we are, individually and collectively, nightly in my downloads from GodSource to always choose love. If you find yourself thinking, saying, or doing things that harm another, apologize, forgive them, forgive yourself and replace that thought or actions with love and you have become one with God at that moment and have indeed changed time and space. It's that simple.
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