Apparently preventing weeds takes thought, money and time. Our flowerbeds seemed filled with more weeds than flowers.
At first we pulled weeds multiple times each year. And we sprayed weed killer. Those solutions didn't last.
Then Melissa and I collaborated to find impenetrable weed barrier. But experience showed us weeds can penetrate after a few years. So we devised a tactic: lay two layers of weed barrier crossways.
And for good measure we buried the weed barrier with rocks.
Relationship weeds are anything that threatens your family.: pornography, violence, apathy, distractions, diversions, and much more.
What is the one double layer, crossways impenetrable weed barrier best suited to prevent weeds in your relationships? Can you heap rocks ontop of your weeds so they won't
Are you stuck pulling the same weeds?
Some excellent weed barriers are couples counseling, giving, repenting, simplifying, debt elimination, and companion bragging.
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