Today's episode features James Lowery from Rethink The Rat Race
James is a repeat offender back from episode 36.
In that episode, he dug into his background and how he and his wife retired in their 20's after amassing real estate in just two years.
This episode we dive more into his accomplishments in the health and fitness arena.
From lifting, cardio, diet, and more all through the lens of someone on their FI journey.
Listen, learn, and let us know what you think about this awesome episode!
Episode Summary
James' Background
As a refresh, James and Emily saved heavily
Invested that into real estate properties in Huntsville, AL
Then when they retired, they moved to Cyprus
Obviously COVID-19 had other plans and they had to return to the U.S.
Now they're putting a little effort into some of their rentals
And looking for their next adventure
James' Diet
He refers to his diet as "Freegan"
This is because he's 95% Vegan but will make exceptions
These exceptions are for non-vegan meals that avoid food waste
So if the food is already there and it's free, he'll eat it
James' fitness ventures
James has done bodybuilding competitions, lifting, and helped with physical therapy
He takes some time to break down the positives of each of these
Then we start ways to mix it up because cardio doesn't have to be just running on a treadmill
James loves trail runs, HIIT training, weight lifting, and the huge amount of content out there on YouTube
He recommends you recognize your body can do more than you think but also be careful of going to some extreme right off the start
Keep It Simple
James mentions how entire food groups do not have to be eliminated
Extreme style diets are so hard to be successful with long term
He recommends mostly vegetables / not too much mindset
That just means understanding the calories you have coming in but making veggies the prominent part of your plate
Also don't overthink the amount of weight your lifting
Keep it light if your form starts to slip, don't stress about breaking records
Also, don't forget the simple parts like hydration
Hydration can impact your calorie burning, energy, and cognition
Also don't stress about finding the perfect ratio of Fat/Carb/Protein
Don't Get Intimidated
This journey doesn't have to be expensive
The food costs can be reasonable
James & Emily actually only spend $40/week per person and eat a ton of healthy foods and veggies
Then you don't have to pay a ton for a gym membership
There's plenty you can do at home, outside or for $20/mo at a Planet Fitness
And if you need to earn some extra cash, James actually covers side hustles that are great for your fitness
Also, don't get intimidated with bulking up to fast
Lifting weights doesn't magically make you get bulky
It can be a great way to get toned and burn calories
Key Takeaways
Get Creative: I loved the story of James doing this floor exercise to replace a pull-up movement
It doesn't have to be complicated: Too many people sit on the sidelines because they're looking for the perfect diet or workout plan when simple balanced eating and getting active is an amazing start.
Call to Action
Start a fitness or health challenge with someone. Maybe even put a little money on the line to keep up the motivation.
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