Obligatory Response, a band consisting of Vince Allen on lead guitar and Maria Diamantis on vocals and electronic sound, blend synthetic noise, guitar riffs and licks, and contra alto whaling to create rhythmic, heavenly chaos . Obligatory Response’s stage presence displays why Vince and Maria not only make a great couple but also a rocking musical duo. Vince, stoic yet comical, is a talented statue behind a guitar wielding rhythms that feed off of the sound patterns emitting from Maria’s amp enriched laptop. The combination of guitar and synthesized vibrations convert Maria into a possessed whaling siren beckoning patrons towards the stage to watch as she expresses herself through melodious lamentations and physical gyrations…..Obligatory Response is a yin and yang , a great force, free to experiment with sound at their discretion and provide audiences with the results.
I was born and raised in Chicago and for many years raised my three boys in Chicago. For twelve years I was Chicago’s Revenue Director, then Budget Director, then CEO of Chicago’s Public Schools. I care deeply about the people in every corner of Chicago. Chicago is a GREAT city. I love it, you love it, and the tourists who visit by the tens of thousands love it. But living in Chicago is very hard for many and it’s getting much harder. Demographics don’t lie.
I want to be our next Mayor. In the next weeks and months I look forward to laying out my specific thoughts and ideas as well as showing you how and why the current model for our city is failing. I look forward to earning your trust. I believe that without earning your trust I could never be the leader that our city deserves. My sole focus will be working day and night for you, for your families, for our children, and for our city. This job would be the pinnacle of my lifetime of service.
Radio One Chicago airs live every Thursday from 6p to 8p cst on 88.7f/WLUW-FM
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