你試過跌入自我懷疑的低谷嗎?那好像是無可避免、成長的必經階段啊!中學時代嘅我好努力追求所謂嘅卓越,追到看不到自己的好。你也有類似的經驗嗎?希望這一集能帶給你新的想法 :) (我知呢集聽落會覺得我好chur lol 希望唔會嚇親大家)Self doubt and the obsession with excellence are my old friends, they still come visit me every now and then but I have learned ways to cope with them. In the episode I share a quick update (!!), and then open up about a self-doubting period in high school and how I overcome it :)
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