“What did you take away from last time?” [Refer to last week’s responses.] “How did that go?”
Romans 13:11-14
Summary: God prepares us for fruitful relationship.
Discussion Questions:
1. John 15:2 describes two things that God does to us as vines: He “lifts up” (which is a better translation than “takes away”) and He “prunes.” First, He lifts up and washes those vines that are lying in the dirt, and then He cuts back those vines that have lots of leaves but little fruit.
Put in your own words what that means.
2. According to John 15:4, what do we do? What does that practically look like? What does it not look like?
3. Where do you need God to lift you up and where do you need God to prune you? What does “abiding” look like there?
“Ask God, how can today’s discussion further your relationship with God, one another, and the world? Pray together. [Record responses and prayer requests.]
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