Original Broadcast: May 2010
Monthly Theme: Fifth Commandment
Let us purify ourselves from everything that contaminates body and spirit.
(2 Corinthians 7:1)
Substance abuse is one of the breakings of the commandment against murder that people tend to overlook until it happens to someone close to them. What do you tend to say to someone close to you that's abusing drugs or alcohol? "You're killing yourself!"
Drugs and alcohol have the ability to alter a person's perceptions of the world around them. They can contaminate body and spirit. They can further harm these precious gifts until they give out.
This doesn't mean that we cannot use these. Many of these things are gifts from God our Father to help us live better in this fallen world. Today, the big drug problem is prescription drugs--drugs that were developed to control the effects of various diseases that rage through our bodies. They were merciful gifts given by our Creator to help us. But we fallen human beings tend to abuse all of God's merciful gifts.
These gifts have been given for our benefit as they can be when they are used properly. Let us strive to properly use ALL the gifts that God has given to us. We can then work to purify ourselves by not contaminating our body and spirit. Amen.
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